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Activities at a Glance

* To implement and implement revenue and development programs for implementation of Women Development Policy in light of Millennium Development    Goal (MDG) and Poverty Alleviation Strategy Scheme (NSAPR) for women development and equality.
* Coordination of public / private initiatives and programs taken for the development of women through Women Affairs Department under Ministry of            Women and Children Affairs.
* Opportunities for women self-employment are being created through vocational and practical training in Narvandhav residential / non-residential training     centers.
* VGD Program: The Government of Bangladesh's largest social security program is getting 30 kg of food grains and training per month for two years or      24 months per month for stability of poor and helpless and physically capable women. The number of beneficiaries of VGD is approximately 7,50,000.
   Maternity allowance program for the poor mother: Maternal allowance activities are being run for "poor mother" to increase the rate of poor child and        child mortality rate, increased breast feeding rate, increase in nutritional value during pregnancy. The number of beneficiaries is approximately                  1,16,380.
   Micro-credit activities for self-employment of women: Micro-credit is provided to create self employment opportunities through involvement in the              production activities of the unemployed and poor women of various vocational training.
* Women and child abuse prevention programs: In 1986, the women's torture prevention program was started in the head office of the Women Affairs          Department with the help of 1 law officer to provide legal advice and assistance to victims of torture in 1986. Later, violence against women in the office    of District and Upazila Women Affairs Officer The formation and dissolution of the committee against prevention of women and children including              prevention The whole program is accepted. Women and child abuse prevention committees have been formed at the union level.
* One Stop Crisis Center (OCC): One Stop Crisis Center (OCC) has been set up at Faridpur Medical College Hospital with Government Medical College      Hospital located in seven divisional cities under the Multicultural Program for Prevention of Women's Torture. Co-operation is provided for medical            assistance, legal aid, police assistance, DNA tests, psychological counseling, shelter and rehabilitation of women and children affected by OCC from        OCC.
* National helpline center for prevention of women and children: Provide legal assistance immediately on helpline number 10921 by multicentral activities    in prevention of women's repression. Any phone call from 24 hours to any number of women and children who are victims of torture, including their          family members can get the necessary help.
* Voluntary women's association distribution, distribution and distribution of donations: Annual grants-in-aid are given to them, including registration and      supervision of voluntary women organizations.
* Income tax education for the poorly educated unemployed women (District level): Vocational training is imparted in different trades on the basis of local   demand through the WTC or Women Training Center for the self-employment of rural poor women.
* Women entrepreneur development initiative: Jyoti and Operative and Exhibition Center (Angana): Development efforts of women entrepreneurs are          being managed by helping women entrepreneurs and small organizations spreading and marketing the products, services and marketing of small and      medium industries.
* Lactating Mother Support Program: In the urban areas, poor working mothers and their children are benefitted by improving the standard of living and        the working-life poor working mothers, 350 rupees per month for 02 (two) years.
* E-service program: A program called "The Program for Assessment of e-services in the activities of the Women Affairs Department" has been taken to      implement all the activities of the Women Affairs Department under the e-service program and to implement the government's commitment to build            digital Bangladesh.
* Women Assistance Center: In order to provide legal assistance to victims, helpless and distressed women under women's aid programs of Women            Affairs Department, a women's repression cell at the departmental level and housing centers for the abstention of abused women are established. In       the prevention cell, complaints received from the victims of torture, settlement of disputes through counseling, maintenance of dower, wife's                       maintenance, maintenance and child.